Ability to operate along with other components.
Marek Matulka (super_marek) from Inviqa (enterprise grade applications): mission-im-possible-quality-decoupled-code-with-drupal-7 (Drupal 7 and Magento - expensive project - think how that would work with Drupal 8).
Expose your data as a webservice, consume them with a dynamic frontend.
The standard price is £20 for a ticket.
As your CMS lecturer, I asked them for student discounts for you to be able to come, and 10 of you can get a discounted ticket using the code "napier" during the checkout, getting the ticket for only £10 (warm lunch, refreshments and after party included).
For the essai, you need to cite your sources. Academic sources can be found using scholar.google.com, but because we do PHP and CMSs most content is provided by the community.