Content Management

Professional Practice

Generic: optimising page load


  • Why is my page so slow?
  • Why don't we have more visitors?
  • Why visitors quit after the first page? (bounce rate)
  • Who are your visitors, what connexion are they using? (broadband, 4G, 3G, GPRS...)

What is a website?

website (ˈwɛbsʌɪt/), noun: a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages.

Breaking it down:

  1. HTTP request from web browser
  2. Web server processing (retrieving files, processing PHP or similar)
  3. Receiving http response in web browser
  4. Processing response in web browser
    • Fetching resources (css, javascript, images...): http requests! (back to 1)
    • Running javascript (may require extra resources or ajax calls, in which case back to 1)

Use your frontend developer tools

Use your backend developer tools

And then?

We now know the main problems. How to solve them?

Use some rules!

Use some tools!

In a nutshell - PHP

  • Limit the number and size of your SQL requests
  • Limit the number of files included

Use a cache! This could be caching the output in memory or in a single file that can be served directly.

Also use an opcache to cache your PHP structures (function, classes).

In a nutshell - HTTP server (Apache/Nginx)

  • Use the right caching headers
  • Compress the output (GZip)

In a nutshell - Network

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to serve content from closer to your visitor
  • Cache files locally (HTTP headers again)

In a nutshell - Client side

  • Limit the number of http request (concatenate JS and CSS)
  • Use async javascript for the non mandatory scripts
  • Optimize your images (use SVG if required)


Next week

Improve your WordPress page load time


"One more thing"

New learning strategy

Because a module has to be dispensed to persons from different background and with ways of learning, we will try a new excerice.

For the next weeks, we will do this exercice for the 2nd hour, or both hours when no lectures are planned.

Principle: a student ask a question (anything related to the module), and the class discuss it and comes with an answer (could be a workflow, a process or a code idea). I as lecturer, will use my computer and implement a proof of concept of the solution live, in front of the class.

Your turn!

Thanks for coming

  • Feedback welcome
  • Questions welcome
  • See you on Tuesday
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